By Blumen Zein Selasa, 31 Maret 2020 Selamat Social Distancing pada Penumpang Ojol Wajib Utamakan Selamat - - JAKARTA, - Virus corona atau Covid-19 yang begitu cepat penyebarannya, membuat banyak pihak lebih berhati-hati saat naik kenda...
By Blumen Zein 19.36 Selamat Sampai Jumpa Lockdown, Selamat Datang Darurat Sipil! - WE Online, Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo menolak usulan Gubernur Anies Baswedan agar DKI Jakarta dikarantina alias lockdown untuk men...
By Blumen Zein 19.36 Selamat Tega! Kasus Covid-19 AS Capai 100.000, Warga Desa di Cina Ucapkan Selamat - - Video mengejutkan muncul dari sekelompok penduduk desa di China. Mereka mengucapkan selamat dan menyalakan petasan untuk meray...
By Blumen Zein 16.48 congratulations Trump insists on congratulations while America braces for the worst - KTVZ It is falling to President Donald Trump to lead America into its most tragic month in decades, as experts say the coronavirus pandemic co...
By Blumen Zein 12.18 congratulations Congratulations to The News' Color for Cash contest winners - Port Arthur News - The Port Arthur News The Port Arthur News asked the young and young-at-heart to participate in our first ever NCAA basketball Color for Cash contest. The 2020 ...
By Blumen Zein 09.18 congratulations Congratulations, Syracuse fans. You broke the ACC. - Troy Nunes Is An Absolute Magician You’ve certainly been following the ACC’s “best players” bracket, these past couple weeks — and specifically, how Syracuse Orange and N.C....
By Blumen Zein 09.06 Selamat Seluruh WNI di Fiji selamat dari COVID-19 - ANTARA London (ANTARA) - Sebanyak 149 warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang berada di Fiji, terdiri atas 60 orang anak buah kapal (ABK), sekitar 60 or...
By Blumen Zein 07.18 congratulations Trump insists on congratulations while America braces for the worst - CNN But the President's bullish, self-congratulatory rhetoric -- a staple of a presidency that has divided the nation -- is still jarring wi...
By Blumen Zein 06.18 congratulations Trump insists on congratulations while America braces for the worst - KRDO It is falling to President Donald Trump to lead America into its most tragic month in decades, as experts say the coronavirus pandemic co...
By Blumen Zein 04.36 Selamat Selamat! Maell Lee Bukan Kaleng-kaleng Menikah - - JAKARTA, - Kabar bahagia datang dari YouTuber Maell Lee . Pria yang memikiki jargon "Bukan kaleng-kaleng" itu resmi ...
By Blumen Zein 04.18 congratulations Congratulations to N. Macedonia from all sides: "Welcome to the Alliance" - European Western Balkans North MAcedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs lighted in NATO colours; Photo: MFA North Macedonia SKOPJE – Last Friday, Noth Macedonia ...
By Blumen Zein 02.36 Selamat Harapan Adipati Dolken saat Memberi Ucapan Selamat Hari Film Nasional - Warta Kota WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, JAKARTA--Hari ini, Hari Film Nasional , Selasa (30/3/2020). Tanggal 30 Maret diperingati sebagai Hari Film Nasional be...
By Blumen Zein 01.36 Selamat Selamat! Istri Mesut Ozil Lahirkan Bayi Perempuan - ANKARA, AYOBANDUNG.COM -- Gelandang serang Arsenal, Mesut Ozil menyampaikan sebuah kabar bahagia. Di tengah pandemi Virus Corona saat in...
By Blumen Zein Senin, 30 Maret 2020 Selamat Bob Hasan Tutup Usia, Triyaningsih: Selamat Jalan Pahlawan Olahraga -, Jakarta Ratu lari jarak jauh Indonesia, Triyaningsih, tampak terpukul dengan kepergian Ketua Persatuan Atletik Seluruh Indo...